Subject Tutoring Pricing and Packages
Below, you will find our most popular packages. Lessons are typically one hour, though older students may prefer to meet for 90 minutes. The prices below assume lessons will last one hour.
Hourly rates are lowest for our largest packages. A la carte lessons for elementary school students are $75 per hour, and for middle and high school students are $100.
Because AP and AP-Equivalent coursework is more rigorous and demanding than standard high school coursework, we offer different pricing and packages for AP and AP-Equivalent tutoring. Learn more about our AP Tutoring, and about our AP Pricing and Packages by visiting our Approach to APs page, and our AP Pricing and Packages page.
We bill after lessons are completed, and don’t charge you for lessons you don’t use. So if you want seven sessions, you can sign up for ten and cancel your final three without any extra charges or penalties.
If you do not see a package that fits your needs, please get in touch with us, or schedule a free consultation, and we will be sure to find something that does. To learn more about working with a TSNY tutor, or about our pedagogy, please click below.
Basic Package (7.5 Hours)
Online: $975
In-Person: $1,160
Our basic package is perfect for students who are looking to start the school year off right, to review a specific set of concepts prior to a large project or exam, to prepare for final exams, or to see if working with a tutor makes sense for their academic needs. Tutors work with students on anything from homework, to test prep, to essay-writing. Our tutors also work with a wide variety of study aids that can help students better complete their course work, and develop strong academic habits over the longterm.
Standard Package (15 Hours)
Online: $1,800
in-Person: $2,175
Our standard package features ten hours of face to face time. Increased time together gives our tutors the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of their students’ strengths, weaknesses, needs, and learning styles. Sustained time together allows tutors and students to go beyond working on homework, exam prep, and essays. Students learn habits of mind and approaches that help them across multiple subjects, and provide the groundwork for longterm academic success.
Total Package (30 Hours)
Online: $3,300
in-Person: $4,050
This is our most comprehensive and most popular package. Our Total Package is ideal for students who want to have sustained support over the course of multiple months. With twenty hours of total tutoring time, students can afford to focus on a variety of different kinds of assignments and concepts. Students and tutors can build long term plans to help students build toward their goals. Tutors are there as work becomes more difficult, meaning that students do not have to rely on previously learned techniques and approaches to tackle new problems.