Elementary Math & Science
Whether students are mastering basic concepts like addition and multiplication or more complicated ones like mass and volume, our team members can help. Click below to find out more about working with a TSNY tutor, and about our pricing and packages. To build your own package, or further discuss potential plans with a team member, please get in touch with us by phone or email, or schedule a free consultation.
The Basics of Science
Our tutors know how to help students master the core concepts of science, working with kids of all ages to master difficult ideas, learn methods of internalization, and build organizational skills crucial to academic success. Most importantly, our team members know how to make sure things stay fun, so students can stay interested and engaged in their schoolwork.
Multiplication Tables and more
Many elementary school students struggle once their classes ask them to begin memorizing large amounts of information, or to do processes like multiplication and division under time pressure. Our tutors help students develop skills and frameworks that allow them to quickly understand new material, and to recall previously completed work with ease.
From Projects to Pop Quizzes
Elementary science courses can involve a wide variety of assignments. Students may need to produce projects for science fairs, walk through experiments, or memorize information for quizzes. Regardless of the projects or examinations students face, our team members can guide them through individual assignments, and help them develop the skills they need to take on assignments on their own.
Mastering Math Concepts
Our team members do more than drill multiplication tables or assign worksheet after worksheet of math problems. We help students understand the underlying principles of their math work, so that they can tackle any challenge they face in school or at home. Using a variety of study aids and digital resources, our tutors help students lay the foundation for long-term success in mathematics.